I have been a potter now for over 40 years and my work has undergone various changes. My early inspiration came from French Provincial Pottery. I loved the earthy shapes and lead glazes. It also comes from my time spent in Africa. Most of my work is thrown but I have gone through several changes in the glazing and surface decoration. I studied at Goldsmiths during the mid 1980’s where I began to experiment with high fired stoneware and coloured glazes which ran and melted into each other creating one off abstract designs I then spent several years smoke firing and now I have gone full circle and back to my love of colour. I use my own originally designed ceramic transfers with coloured glazes and gold and coloured lustres creating unique pieces. Running parallel to this I began printmaking about 5 years ago and I use Digital Media to create my unique prints, combining traditional printing techniques iPad drawings etc., I transfer either a photographic image of textures or an original mono print into photoshop where I manipulate and blend several images together until I get the desired result.