I’ve long since forgotten how to work in a studio; my practice is entirely rooted in plein air on the spot observation. Nothing is added to the paintings in the studio except varnish and a frame. This means lugging mutiple canvases, large and small, easel, palette and paints down winding rocky paths to the beach, through
fences and nettles into woodland or over the expected detritus on the top floor of muti-storey carparks at night in January to set myself up to work and complete paintings on the spot.
There are three main strands to my work, shady summer trees, sea and sky, and unassuming urban scenes though having recently moved to central Teddington my new locality is slowly becoming my muse.
Mark Owen
b. 1963
Royal Academy Schools - Fine Art (painting)
Chelsea School of Art - Product design
Middlesex University - Electronic Arts
instagram - @markowen_artist
email - paint@markowen.me